Author: Conrad Halling

  • Python Bytes Podcast

    To stay up with the latest developments in Python (a popular programming language), I listen to the Python Bytes podcast. Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken do the work of capturing the latest important news about Python and summarize it in about 30 minutes each week. The show notes contain links to each topic they discuss.…

  • A Series of Fortunate Events

    Today I finished the audiobook of A Series of Fortunate Events: Chance and the Making of this Planet, Life, and You by Sean B. Carroll. (Sean B. Carroll, a biologist, and Sean M. Carroll, a cosmologist, are two different people.) This very good book is about the role of chance in biology and life and…

  • Sean M. Carroll’s “The Biggest Ideas in the Universe”

    I am taking a class called Cosmology 101 (I will describe this in a separate post). The instructor posted the link to one of the videos in Sean Carroll’s “The Biggest Ideas in the Universe” series on YouTube. The series is described in this post on Sean Carroll’s blog. The first video in this 48-video…

  • Henrietta Leavitt: “Overlooked No More”

    On March 27, 2024, the New York Times published an obituary for Henrietta Leavitt, the discoverer of the period-luminosity relation for Cepheid variable stars. Using this relation, astronomers were able to discover that the universe was much bigger than originally thought. This obituary is part of the Overlooked effort of the New York Times to…