Since I’m retired, I no longer need to hunt for a new job. In fact, I did very little job hunting during my employment years because my network found new jobs for me.
That said, this post by Nikhil Suresh, Most Tech Jobs Are Jokes And I Am Not Laughing, caught the attention of people, including me, who read Hacker News. I found this post entertaining and thought-provoking.
The author’s goal in hunting for a new job is:
I want to work with serious people who are good at their jobs, affirming to spend time with, the company doesn’t waste hours of my time on meetings or placating dysfunctional leadership, and the product should be one that I think that contributes meaningfully in non-trace amounts.
Most Tech Jobs Are Jokes and I Am Not Laughing
Nikhil provides some anecdotes about what he has experienced in his job-hunting effort. He encounters the usual problem that the company is having difficulty defining the role and responsibilities of the position it’s trying to fill. In my experience as a person who helped hire some people for senior roles, a team writes a job description, posts the position, interviews candidates, and sometimes finally decides the job description is not correct and decides to start over. Hiring teams also find it difficult to write a description for a role requiring skills in which no one on the hiring team has any experience.
Nikhil writes:
That is not to say that it is impossible to find good work, just that while the job market is large, the good job market is tiny. I wouldn’t be surprised if finding a genuinely fulfilling job has about the same hit rate as starting a bootstrapped business from scratch.
Most Tech Jobs Are Jokes and I Am Not Laughing
The comments at Hacker News are also worth reading.